Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Red Robin... YUM!

Tuesday night, Austin and I went to Red Robin for dinner. Before I go there, I pretty much have to skip a meal or two. They give you so much food! And it's so good.
So I was pretty hungry and so was Austin. He has been feeling a little under the weather and took a long nap yesterday after work. He woke up with a lot of energy and a big appetite!

While we were sitting at the restaurant, looking over the menu, Austin spies the "Monster Burger". He gasps and points to it and looks up at me. I just shook my head and said, No Way. But he did it. He ordered the Monster Burger! This thing is huge. It's 2 giant hamburger patties, topped with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickle relish. Then Austin added french fried onions and BBQ sauce (just like my dad always does!)

I kid you not this burger was like the size of my face! It was so big, he had to eat it in layers. He couldn't get his mouth around the whole thing. Boys, boys, boys... And he ate the Whole thing.

This picture is posted with the approval of Tempe Marketplace Red Robin manager. He came and chatted with us, saying we could post pictures if we would tell everyone where we got them! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


The dawning of a new year always brings exciting change. A fresh start for our goals and resolutions, a new semester, a change of pace. This year is no exception.

For example, to start blogging in 2010 off right, I now can write at my own desk! It's beautiful, I love it!

Special thank you to Mom and Dad for picking out the perfect desk :) The only drawback was the the desk came in far too many pieces!
Fortunately, another change in my life helped me take care of that problem

Meet Austin Baxter. We've been dating for a few weeks now, although we met shortly after I moved to Tempe. My second Sunday in the ward, during Sunday School (which we had first hour of the block last year) I was sitting directly behing him. I bent down to grab my purse at the same moment Austin turned around to stretch his back. As fate would have it, he elbowed me square in the face :)
He immediately apologized, and I, slightly stunned, laughed it off. He came up to me again before Sacrament meeting to apologize again. He sat by me and Tarina (my roommate) and we ended up talking for a while again after the meeting. He asked me out for the following weekend!My roommates deviously left us alone for a while and went to talk to a friend, Anita. As I went back to meet them and said I'd gotten a date, Anita said, "Oh Austin is such a good guy. He bears his testimony every month. "
This sentiment has been reaffirmed by countless people. I was talking with a guy named Brian at a Munch and Mingle a couple weeks later about Austin (they serve together in the Elder's Quorum). Brian paid him a high compliment when he said, "If I were a girl, I would want to date Austin!" Fortunately for me, Brian is out of the competition.

Time will tell where we will end up, but I am definatly excited to see where this big change will lead :)

Utah Fashion Show

After much too long of an absense I am posting again! Christmas was great :) I spent several nights at my parents house before we left for our annual Utah Christmas trip. This year it was a little shorter than normal, we were there about 6 days. We skiied twice (yay!), played alot of Werewolf (it's a cousins thing ;) don't ask), and spent New Year's Eve with an entertaining White Elephant gift exchange. Overall a good week :)
Our last day in Utah, my cousin Portia invited me to go to a dance with some of her friends. It was formal dress and strictly ballroom style dancing. I was excited to go but, uh, unless you count a red turtleneck as formal, I wouldn't have met the standard. So Friday morning Portia brought over a bunch of dresses that she had. Some, and I quote, that "I wouldn't be caught dead in, but maybe you'll like it" :)
And so began our Utah Fashion Show:

Kayla looked lovely in her red ballroom-dance-friendly gown.

I on the other hand, looked like a mermaid.

And Portia, those sleeves! Oo la la!

Janie looked very chic, a vision in white satin-like material.

Miss Emery, oh my. That dress is fabulous! I mean it, it's fabulous. Don't let anyone tell you any different. (name the movie!)

As you can tell, we had a blast! We spent hours with those dresses, laughing and taking dozens of pictures. Most can be found on Janie's facebook page, but here's a few more:

Well, the formatting is weird, but you get the point :) by the way, I did find a dress to wear that night: