Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Red Robin... YUM!

Tuesday night, Austin and I went to Red Robin for dinner. Before I go there, I pretty much have to skip a meal or two. They give you so much food! And it's so good.
So I was pretty hungry and so was Austin. He has been feeling a little under the weather and took a long nap yesterday after work. He woke up with a lot of energy and a big appetite!

While we were sitting at the restaurant, looking over the menu, Austin spies the "Monster Burger". He gasps and points to it and looks up at me. I just shook my head and said, No Way. But he did it. He ordered the Monster Burger! This thing is huge. It's 2 giant hamburger patties, topped with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickle relish. Then Austin added french fried onions and BBQ sauce (just like my dad always does!)

I kid you not this burger was like the size of my face! It was so big, he had to eat it in layers. He couldn't get his mouth around the whole thing. Boys, boys, boys... And he ate the Whole thing.

This picture is posted with the approval of Tempe Marketplace Red Robin manager. He came and chatted with us, saying we could post pictures if we would tell everyone where we got them! :)

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow. Really...that's a whole cow in between those buns. At least he enjoyed it! He sounds like a really fun guy. Can't wait to hear more about him!
